Thursday, December 03, 2009

Feng Shui crystal guide

In Feng Shui, crystals are considered powerful Feng Shui cures and are used to improve the Feng Shui energy flow in various areas of the house or office, as well as to improve one's own energy.

From rose quartz as a
Feng Shui cure for love to pyrite and citrine as Feng Shui abundance crystals - explore the various feng shui uses of crystals.

The word crystal comes from the Greek word krystallos, meaning "frozen light".

Cleanse the
Feng Shui crystals when you first buy or receive them as a gift. It resets their vibration to be receptive to the new home and new owners.

Feng Shui crystals should be cleansed regularly, as well as treated in a respectful and loving manner.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

What is A Strong Feng Shui Front Door?

The front door, or the main door, is very important in Feng Shui, no matter we are speaking of the front door of a home or the front door of a business.

In Feng Shui, the house gets its Chi, or energy nourishment through the front door, so the stronger, healthier and more balanced the front door is, the stronger and better the quality of energy available for those who live in the house.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Feng Shui - What's in the Center

When you study Feng Shui, you will find that certain areas of the home are associated with different parts of your life. In order to change those parts of your life that you don't like, you need to change the corresponding parts of your home.  Here is a tip for how to change your health.

What's in the Center? - Whether you've been sick for a while or a new illness has just come up, the best way to start bringing in new health is to look to the center of everything in your life.  If you have clutter in the middle of your room, you need to clean it up and get rid of it. If the center of your room is under your bed, you need to remove anything that is under your bed.  You also want to remove
any first aid supplies or medicine from this area as it invites more disease into your life. This is especially important in bathrooms and medicine cabinets that are centrally located. Find a new place for your first aid things.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Feng Shui Key to Success - Going With the Natural Flow

We're all familiar with the typical feng shui buzz nowadays: wealth corner here, relationship corner there, water fountain, crystals, north, south, east, etc. But there is a much more natural level of Feng Shui energy flow that meanders through our environments, and the more in tune with it we get, the more easily things will open up and successfully flow in all areas of our lives.

Our homes are truly a mirror reflection of what is going on in our lives and the way you interact with your space is also an indication of how the rest of the world is interacting with you. Literally translated Feng Shui means "wind" and "water" and a good place to start assessing the energy is imagining these two aspects of Mother Earth flowing through your home — so ask yourself how do they flow?

Let's take a look at how you and your things are affecting that flow of energy. Literally, how do you flow, or rather walk through and utilize your space on a daily basis? Finding balance in the personal flow of actions through your home is just as essential a part of creating good Feng Shui energy as what to put in what corner where. I'm talking about the really simple things that together add up and create blocks of energy flow, and in turn, blocks in the movement of your life.

For example, when you wake-up in the morning and reach for your bathrobe, where is it - a natural, easy place close by? You go downstairs to make your morning coffee, where are the mugs and coffee beans - right next to the coffee maker or the other side of the kitchen? From another angle, where do you naturally throw down the mail when you walk through your door each day? Surely we all have that place we intend it to go, but don't we all have that "natural" place that things just somehow wind up and flow to? In a case like that, it's good to honor that area and get a nice basket or container if that's where it naturally ends up.

Sure, overall it's nice to have things all neat and put away, but you have to find balance between what looks good and what is creating natural and unnatural flow in your everyday life. I know we all desire to live in a pristine, everything-put-away, model home atmosphere these days. However, no one really actually has a life in a space like that, it's an energy of emptiness in some ways at that point.

So take some time to assess and become conscious of how much extra unnecessary flow exists in your everyday routines. Notice all the little ways you are constantly swimming upstream against the current of your life. When you can find the balance and go with the natural flow of the physical structure, it is then that you can achieve an important aspect of Feng Shui and open up to easier flow of successes in your life.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wood is Good in Feng Shui

When we want more luck in our lives, we tend to turn to superstitions and other things that make us feel more confident.  In Feng Shui, the elements are some of these lucky items that can help you bring more money and luck into your life.  Here's a tip.

Wood is Good - Another material that is associated with good chi (energy) and money is wood.  By adding pieces of wood or wooden sculptures to the wealth area of your home and rooms, you will be able to create more money energy.  Think about hanging a piece of wood with money symbols or perhaps find a piggy bank that's made of wood to put into your home.  Any wooden piece that you can find and display will help to attract money energy.  You can also use basic pieces of furniture like a coffee table that's made of wood to satisfy this Feng Shui principle.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Determining your Feng Shui main door

The question of defining the right Feng Shui front door comes up very often, as in many cases the front door of the house is rarely used.

A back door, a side door or a garage door would be used much more frequently, which makes it important to have these doors infused with good, clean energy for you and your family's well-being.

However, this does not make any of these doors a front door; just a more active door closely connected to your health.

For all Feng Shui purposes, such as defining the bagua of your home, checking the flow of chi, balancing the energy of the male and female sides of the house and more, the main door, or the front door, is the door that was initially designed for the house as the main door.

As with everything, there are many variables to this statement. Generally, unless the house went through a big remodeling project and the main door was repositioned by the architect taking into consideration the house as a whole, the front door is as mentioned above.

In many cases a back door, a side door or a garage door would be used much more frequently, which makes it important to have these doors infused with good, clean energy for you and your family's well-being.

This does not make any of these doors a front door, though; just a more active door closely connected to your health.

What does it mean to have your secondary active doors infused with good energy? Basically, it means having a welcoming secondary entry that you treat well. An entry that looks good, is clean, well-organized and visually pleasing to the eye/well decorated.

As you use that door everyday, on a Feng Shui energy level the way you come into the house and the way you leave the house are very important.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why is a Mirror Facing the Main Door Bad Feng Shui?

Mirrors are called the aspirin of Feng Shui for a good reason. With the proper placement of mirrors, you can considerably shift the Feng Shui energy flow and create better Feng Shui in a home or office.

A mirror facing the main door is one of the two big taboos in Feng Shui (second one being a mirror facing a bed.)

The reason it is not recommended to have a mirror facing the main door is because the mirror pushes away all the good Feng Shui energy that is about to enter the house.

In Feng Shui it is considered that the house absorbs energy (Chi) through the main door, similar to a human face absorbing nutrition through the mouth. This is why the main door is often called the mouth of a house in feng shui.

Distance will only slightly change the effect of the mirror facing the main door, so if you have a mirror directly facing the main door, best Feng Shui advice is to remove it.

If you cannot remove the mirror, for example if the mirror is built-in and you are renting the place, or if you have mirrored closet doors facing the main door, then you have to look for creative solutions.

Feng Shui always works best when it is applied in a creative and subtle way. So, cover the mirror with some creative applique, for example, or paint over it with a washable paint in a great color.

Other suitable Feng Shui solutions:

Look for creative ideas to solve your problems, and you will attract good feng shui.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Feng Shui home purchase

When choosing to purchase a home with a positive feng shui design, there are a few things that should be avoided.

Never have a straight road leading directly to the home's entrance.

Never purchase or build at home that is at the end of a cul de sac or a road.

Never align the front entrance of the home with the stairway leading to the second floor of the home.

Never align the front and back entrances. The back entrance should be out of sight when standing in the front entrance way.

Never purchase or build a home situated on a piece of land that is triangular in shape.

While these rules are ones to avoid when looking for real estate following the art of feng shui, there are also rules pertaining to what a home should possess.

Always choose a home with the greenest and healthiest of grass. Green grass offers positive energy while brown or dying grass heeds a warning to real estate buyers.

Always choose a home that is near to natural wildlife. Natural wildlife is a great source of energy.

Always choose a home with neighbors that are prosperous. Neighbors who have fallen ill frequently or experienced money problems will bring down the Chi of your home.

Always choose a home lot that is square or rectangular in shape.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Feng Shui – Growing your Wealth?

Staying in one place has never been good advice when it comes to money.  Whether you want to advance in your job to make more money or you want to move to
something new, in order to become more financially stable, you need to grow.  According to Feng Shui, other things need to grow too in order for you to be successful.

Make Sure Things are Growing - Needless to say, if you want to 'grow' wealth in your life, you need to be sure you are keeping the fish and the plants in the money corner of your home alive and well. When you notice that your plant is dying, you want to nurse it back to health or immediately remove it from that area.  Even plants that are browning should be removed or the dried leaves cut off.  You will also want to refrain from adding any dried flowers and cut flowers as these are both symbols of death and dying - not the best choice for improving your money situation.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Feng Shui wealth vase

The Feng Shui wealth vase is one of the oldest Feng Shui abundance cures. In fact, it is considered an ancient cure brought to China from India many centuries ago; the making of the wealth vase is still a tradition (and a sacred offering) in many Tibetan Buddhist Temples.

The history of the wealth vase is complex; its making and symbols have numerous deep meanings. In Feng Shui applications, the wealth vase is used as an abundance cure to help you attract and strengthen the flow of wealth and prosperity energy in your home

As you can see, the meaning and essence of the Feng Shui wealth vase is to create a magnet for wealth; a strong vortex of energy that is fueled by your intent and desire for wealth on all levels.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tapping Chi

From ancient to modern times, many have theorized that energy flow is the key to human vitality and health.While China is not the only society that prescribes to this belief, the various energy-cultivating sciences from China have become some of the most popular in the world, as many are enamored with the notion of harnessing one's Chi power.

While some may assume that chi is a mystical magical force, it is, in reality, the common life force that travels through all individuals although most have no idea how to tap into its energy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feng Shui Home

One of the reasons feng shui can get very confusing is because we tend to approach it way too seriously. I mean the type of seriousness where a person is afraid to trust his or her own instincts or intuition and ready to give the power away.

You have to stay in your own power and you have to trust yourself. You also have to have fun! When applying feng shui in your home stops being fun, it stops being effective. Take a little break and come back to it when you are ready. Fun and effective go hand in hand.

The best feng shui consultants in the world will not be able to help you change your life with feng shui if you do not start empowering yourself and really understand the language of your space.

Your house is speaking to you all the time, are you listening? It is speaking to you about the blockages you need to open up, areas you need to pay more attention to, and things you need to change in your life.

Connect to your home in a fun and friendly way and just play a bit. Move the furniture slightly, bring some fresh items or reposition the old ones, play with color.

It is your house, establish a good relationship with it. It has been waiting to give you feedback for a long time. Listen to what it has to say.

Then apply feng shui to create a better quality of life for yourself and others.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Easy Feng Shui

When you are trying to create a healthy life, you generally look to simple ways to create new habits.  In Feng Shui, the idea that energy can stagnate and cause difficulties
with health is another way to change your life.  Here's what you can do.

Look to the Center of Your Room/Home - In Chinese Feng Shui, the traditional location for health is at the very center or the center of each room. When you are applying Feng
Shui cures or adjustments, you will want to focus on the central parts of your office, your bathroom, your kitchen, etc.  If you should notice things that are unhealthy there, like clutter, it may be affecting your health in a negative way.  By simply keeping this area clear of disease and clutter you may be able to improve your health or prevent future problems.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

What Feng Shui Masters will not reveal

Feng Shui Masters try to reveal a little but the trade secret is not to reveal all. Everyone's secret key is different and unique. But every person that has utilized these principles has found success and results when they applied them.

Is your home a sanctuary of positive, uplifting energy? Are you attracting enough luck into your life? Learn how a few simple changes in how you arrange your furniture can affect how successful, happy, and lucky you are in life. Easy to follow with detailed pictures.

Everything you need to know about harnessing the forces of positive energy to create an abundance of good luck: Just checked out this package:


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Feng Shui - The power of plants and flowers in your home

  1. Plants are auspicious from the point of feng shui. It is always good to grow plants in the house, especially wooded plants. 
  2. Plants in the office also bring about increased luck in your career. Place plants in the east, south or south-east corners of your office for maximum luck. 
  3. If you are a married couple and want children, avoid putting flowers in the bedroom. Instead, place a basket of fruits in your bedroom. Fruits, especially pomegranates, are a symbol of fertility. 
  4. Don't place thorny plants inside your home. Thorny plants do form a protective shield, and could be placed outside the home. Don't place them too near the front door. They could be placed a little further away from the door, or in the balcony. 
  5. Don't place bonsai plants inside or outside the home. They represent stunted growth. 
  6. Trim your plants regularly. Overgrown plants promote bad energy. Similarly, trim trees in your garden regularly. Don't let them overwhelm your house. 
  7. Fresh flowers bring luck and fortune in your home. Place fresh flowers in your living room on a regular basis. However, once they die, throw them out. Don't leave dying flowers in your home. 
  8. Avoid placing dried flowers in your house. They are believed to bring misfortune. Artificial flowers are a far preferable option and are believed to bring luck. 
  9. Do not place any flowers, plants or any other auspicious feng shui symbol in the bathroom. The good luck will backfire and turn into bad luck. 
  10. Ever noticed lemons (nimbus) hanging on the entrances of shops? They are believed to ward off the evil eye, according to Hindu superstitious beliefs. Similarly, oranges and lemons are believed to be powerful symbols of fortune, and bring prosperity to the home. They should be placed at the entrance.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Crystals and what they mean - mystical properties and powers

A stone for strengthening the muscular tissue, especially around the heart.

Very good in the treatment of spinal degeneration diseases.

Semi-precious stone, the Agate is said to improve natural vitality and energy and to increase the self-confidence of the person using it. It is believed to be of special benefit to athletes and to those taking any kind of examination or test - or anyone else who has to call upon instant bursts of energy whether mental or physical.

Balances the emotions and calms the body, mind and feelings.

General healing, reduces fever, hardens tender gums, gives courage and banishes fear, also assists the wearer to express thoughts into spoken words. Helps to develop powers of eloquence.

Stone of health and good fortune.

A stone which strengthens the lungs, spleen and thymus.

Helps the nervous system, spleen, pancreas and testicles.

May be used to amplify color therapy.

Generally used to help soothe the nervous system and to give some relief to those who are suffering from emotional disturbances.

Also helps with one's metabolism and growth. Useful when trying to express oneself more clearly.

Regulates and improves thinking abilities.

Although it may look like one, Amber is not really a stone but the yellow-brown fossilized resin of trees.

It is claimed that Amber is used to best effect by those who suffer from throat infections, those who have bronchial disorders or those who are prone to asthma or convulsions, also rheumatism, intestinal disorders, earache, bladder trouble, nerves or bone-marrow deficiencies.

Calming, can absorb negative energy and helps the body to heal itself.

Used for making and breaking spells.

Helps with depression and suicidal tendencies.

A purple-colored quartz used as a semi-precious stone; the Amethyst is known as a spiritual stone and is used for general healing and for meditation.

It is said that sleeping with a piece of amethyst beneath one's pillow promotes intuitive dreams and inspired thought.

Many healers also consider it useful in the relief of insomnia and to bring serenity in times of grief.

The Amethyst clears, purifies and helps with any addictions or stress or tension.

Also protects against blood disease, toxic effects of substance use, acne, neuralgia and fits.

Soothes and calms the mind, raises the spirit, rebalances and increases intuitive awareness, protects from negative vibrations.

It is a very good idea to have an Amethyst cluster in your room because of the cleansing and energizing properties associated with it.

Traditionally believed to protect from drunkenness.

This stone strengthens the kidneys and ovaries.

Used in 'grounding' one's energies. Also helps soul reflection.

Strengthens muscle tissue, aids in coordinating basic motor responses.

Assists people suffering from stuttering and used in the treatment of hypertension.

Improves heart, lungs, throat, and thymus.

Good for people suffering from emotional traumas. Aids release of inner emotional tension from deep within the body.

Helps meditation.

Bluish-green transparent Beryl; the Aquamarine is supposed to be most useful when dealing with the problems of the eyes, liver, throat, stomach, nerves, and glands.

Relieves toothache, improves sight.

Preserves innocence. Quickens intellect, increases self-knowledge.

It is also reputed to promote clear and logical thinking and for that reason is often carried as a 'good luck' charm by those who are taking examinations or being interviewed for a job.

Brings inspiration and new ideas.

This stone strengthens the genitals, thyroid and the nervous system.

Used in the treatment of venereal diseases, including herpes.

Similar to Smithsonite.

Aventurine is said to be useful in relieving migraine and in soothing the eyes.

A traditional method of using this stone is to leave it in water overnight and to use the water the following day to bathe eyes.

Aventurine water - made in the same way can also be used for bathing irritations of the skin.

Aventurine is a soother and helps relax one for a better night's sleep!

It also relieves tension and shock. Improves vitality, equalizes blood pressure.

Encourages creativity, gives the wearer courage, independence, calmness and serenity.

Gives adventure and luck in love and sport.

A natural blue copper carbonate.

The Azurite is said to be an aid to psychic development and is a very powerful stone. Also aids meditation.

Relates to penetrating through your deepest fear in the subconscious.

It is used as a general healing stone. Relieves arthritis and joint disabilities. Reduces hip joint pain.

Helps heart problems, liver trouble, mouth, stomach and throat infections.

Improves intellect, strengthens will-power, guards against stupidity and mental disorders.

Deep-green precious stone flecked with red; it is believed that the Bloodstone will help to overcome depression and melancholia - especially if it is worn by the sufferer.

It is also said to help those who suffer from psychosomatic illness and pains which have an emotional rather than a physical cause.

Bloodstone is also a purifier of the blood and a general detoxification of organs, particularly the liver, kidneys and spleen.

It helps to allow light into the body. Provides vitality, strengthens idealism and the will to do good - especially for charity.

Increases one's talent, stimulates the kundalini and balances all of the chakras.

Blue-lace agate is a very calming stone. It is helpful for freely expressing oneself and how one feels and thinks.

Provides cool and soothing energy which is good for neutralizing red energies such as anger, infections, inflammations, fevers etc.

Helps to open the throat chakra.

Helps improve heart, lungs, throat and thymus.

Good for people suffering from emotional traumas.

Aids the release of inner emotional tension from deep within the body.

Has general healing qualities and assists tissue regeneration.

Strengthens all the chakras and meridians.

CALCITE (gold)
Carries the golden healing ray. Gives comfort, helps cheer depression. Good for most of what ails you!

CALCITE (green)
Helps kidneys, spleen and the pancreas. Removes toxins from the body and alleviates mental fear. Aids mental clarity, soothes anxiety, calms turbulent energies.

Expands awareness, aids intuition, links parallel realities.

Good when undertaking mental change.

CALCITE (orange)
Helps gall bladder, improves physical energy, also expands awareness etc as above.

CALCITE (optical)
Improves eyesight. Brings spiritual understanding into challenging circumstances and situations. Helps when doing regression.

Semi-precious stone, a reddish variety of chalcedony.

This stone is useful for understanding one's rhythms and cycles and it is said that if it is worn in a pouch around the neck by a women during menstrual periods - it will help to ease the stomach cramps felt at that time.

Strengthens voice; helps rheumatism and arthritis, depression, neuralgia; aids the sense of touch.

Used for infertility and impotence. Alleviates blood poisoning, fever, infection and nose bleeds.

Helps in the treatment of sores, spasms and wounds.

Protects from evil, elevates the spirits, grounds energies thus assisting concentration and mental focus by clearing the mind and focusing one's thoughts.

Helps daydreamers and those who are absent-minded.

Helps to ease tension, opens the mind and develops awareness.

Cools the overactive mind, helps relaxes muscles.

Elevates consciousness. Promotes peaceful co-existence and harmonious interaction with other aspects of creation.

Improves bone-marrow, spleen, red corpuscles and heart tissue.

Stimulates optimism and enhances one's spiritual and artistic creativity.

Helps cheer those with constant worries. Also improves prosperity consciousness.

Dissolves fear including fear of fear itself!

Will help the fear rise to the surface so that it may be faced - and dealt with.

Relieves nervous tension, emotional congestion, ulcer or stomach problems.

Brings balance, cleanses all negativity, brings inner peace and contentment.

Strengthens the appendix.

Alleviates general toxaemia and viral conditions.

Improves prostate gland, testicles, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Increases fertility.

Yellow variety of quartz.

It is claimed that the citrine is able to help those who feel that they have misplaced their path in life and to give them a new sense of direction and rebuild the structure of their earthly existence.

It helps to control the emotions and works with relationships and self- knowledge.

It attracts self-worth, dissolves emotional blocks and induces dreams.

It is also said to be beneficial to those people suffering from poor circulation and to strengthen the immune system, tissue regeneration, eases toxic conditions particularly in the endocrine and digestive systems. Helps with diabetes and depression.

Activates mental powers and clarifies thought. Improves self-image bringing confidence into relationships and environment, improving the quality of one's life, sometimes bringing prosperity.

Reduces harmful effect of electrical products.

Cheering stone, helpful with symbolic re-birth, helps strengthen new resolutions.

Hard substance formed of skeletons of various marine polyps.

Coral is said to promote general physical and mental well-being and to be of particular assistance to those suffering from anemia, bladder conditions, colic and whooping cough.

In many parts of the world it is believed that coral can be used to ward off evil thoughts sent by ill-wishers.

Used to help people who become over-preoccupied with their own personal limitations.

Master healer. An extremely powerful stone in the removing of blockages and all emotional negativity.

An emerald green silicate of copper.

General healer. Relieves mental stress, promotes abundance, relaxation, love and emotional expressiveness.

Heals the parts emotionally abandoned whilst experiencing heartache. Good for those that, through loss, fear to love again, helps heal the heart and helps one to be able to trust again.

Used to help people who lack resourcefulness and who have an acute fear of personal failure.

Bright green precious stone. Improves intellect and memory.

Helps tired eyes and insomnia. Improves eloquence.

Gives power to see into the future and grants success in business. Acts as emotional stabilizer.

It is said to help release emotionally based trauma and to govern the awareness of emotions by others.

It opens up the heart to love, peace and healing.

Fluorspar - a natural calcium fluoride. Fluorite helps bring the spiritual into the material and quickens enlightenment.

Helps heal holes in one's auras where energy is drained.

Grounds, balances and focuses one's energies. Absorbs and alters negative and other energies.

Opens the chakras. Aids physical and mental healing. Strengthens bone tissue, especially teeth enamel. Relieves dental disease, pneumonia, viral inflammation.

Strengthens lungs, thyroid, and the nervous system.

Protects against depression and skin diseases.

Promotes self-confidence, pride and success. Improves imagination.

A dark red gem.

The garnet is most often used as a general tonic for the whole system - physical, mental and emotional.

It is regenerative and revitalizing, strengthening the blood and helping with anemia and circulatory problems.

Protects against infection, depression and skin diseases. It brings into consciousness the physical powers and is particularly recommended for those who need to improve their self-respect and self-confidence, pride and success and to increase their courage when dealing with changes.

Improves imagination. Assists in dream work and in past life recall.

Increases determination, energy and courage. Attracts love, promotes bonding.

Apple green variety of chalcedony.

It reveals will-power and is useful for dealing with depression and loss of incentive.

Feminine stone, ideal for menstrual pain and pre-menstrual tension. Helps after miscarriages, abortions, hysterectomies.

Helps with birthing if held, worn or meditated upon during labor. Cools fevers, heals burns, calms nerves, helps thyroid imbalance, voice problems, neck/shoulder strain.

Develops patience, kindness, tolerance, compassion, humility.

Gives peace and serenity; emotional balance, eases sorrow and anger.

Good for men who don't allow themselves to express their feelings or emotions.

Excellent stone for meditation and can assist the development of clairvoyance.

Used in the treatment of people who fear emotional hostility from everyone surrounding them.

Natural ferric oxide.

Improves all blood disorders, helps coagulation.

Reduces stressful effects of air travel, combats insomnia.

Enhances astral projection, promotes balance, focus, convergence and concentration of energy.

The hematite is a stone which it is said will help to increase courage and it is also claimed that it will strengthen the heart and is good for reducing a rapid pulse.

This stone stimulates the pancreas and spleen. Helps to restore the balance in erratic emotional behavior.

Releases stress and tension throughout the body, boosts the power of other crystals by being used to close the circuit, particularly effective with Boji stones.

HOWLITE (magnetite)

Stimulates endocrine system. Improves blood circulation. Helps in Meditation.

A natural sulfide or iron.

Aids digestive system of abdomen and upper intestinal tract.

Eases anxiety, depression, frustration and false hopes.

Strengthens astral body. Opens mind to new ideas, intellectually stimulating, links left and right hemispheres of brain facilitating communication between logic and emotion.

Promotes analysis, creativity, psychic development, memory, channeling activities, strength of will.

Pyrite is claimed to increase the oxygen supply in the blood, to strengthen the circulatory system in general and to be useful in clearing congested air passages.

Protects one's physical body from injury.

Promotes spiritual sight and understanding.

Used in childbirth. Helps in the treatment of insomnia.

A pale green gemstone.

Jade is said to be of help in relieving kidney complaints, bladder trouble and eye problems.

Yellow jade is believed to aid a poor digestion. When worn as a piece of jewelry, jade is thought to provide protection from one's enemies and can be used to protect one on long journeys.

Also to attract good luck, for wisdom, for long life and a peaceful death.

Helps to control dream content or focus.

In ancient China and ancient Egypt it was widely used as a talisman to attract good fortune, friendship and loyalty.

Colored impure form of natural silica.

Jasper is said to be both invigorating and stabilizing, bringing stillness to a troubled mind.

It generates an even rhythmic pulse. It is also said to improve the sense of smell and to overcome depression.

Red jasper is known to contain iron oxide which is used medically to control excessive bleeding and for this reason, it is claimed it can be useful in overcoming disorders of the blood.

Also for digestion and stomach problems, biliousness and bladder trouble.

Protects from witchcraft, soothes the nerves.

A very hard lustrous form of natural carbon. Prevents deep depression, quiets fears.

Protects from violence and illness. Aids grieving.

It is also used in healing to control and ease migraine and pain behind the eyes.

Alleviates anemia, improves general tissue rejuvenation.

Creates balance between heart and mind, clears emotional blockages.

In meditation can balance negative emotional and troubled mental states.

Used in meridian points to stimulate flow of energy, or on chakra centers to clear blockages.

Recalls past lives when placed on third eye.

Augments channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, clear visualization, loyalty, honor and serenity.

Kyanite blades can make incisions in the aura field. Also cut through layers of mental misconceptions and create new lines of energy for new thought.

A brilliant blue mineral.

The lapis lazuli was called by the ancient Egyptians 'The Stone of Heaven' and it is thought by many to be the stone upon which were carved the laws given to Moses.

It is said that it has the power to prevent fits and epilepsy and to improve the eyesight.

Helps heart and spleen, protects against strokes, helps depression.

Helps acquire wisdom and truth.

It is also a symbol of power and a mental and spiritual cleanser.

Assists one's psychic development and mental stability. Gives hope and self awareness and helps one to face one's shadow-self. It is the stone of friendship.

Helps cut through superficialities to find inner truth. Aura cleanser.

Soothes sore throats and tonsillitis. Helps express new ideas.

Brings harmony between heart and mind. Good for schizophrenics. Transmutes anger, greed, frustration to peace; calms excess energies by rebalancing.

Improves pineal glands and the liver.

Stimulates visions. Can amplify thought- form. Also used for tissue rejuvenation.

Unifies mind and heart, heals whatever inhibits this mergence.

Used in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Good for introverted shy people who are unable to express love in external ways.

LUVULITE (sugilite)
Restores balance to pineal, pituitary and left and right brain hemispheres.

Improves autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, physical coordination problems, visual problems, spiritual problems.

Stimulates endocrine system. Improves blood circulation. Helps in meditation.

A green copper carbonate.

Malachite contains copper and it is claimed that it is helpful in the treatment of rheumatism and also in regularizing menstruation.

Used in the treatment of asthma, toothache. Improves eyesight.

Raises one's spirits and increases hope, health and happiness. It attracts physical and material benefits and brings prosperity.

It assists wise rule and helps remove mental blockages hindering spiritual growth.

It relieves any congestion in the body and helps with confusion and lack or purpose and insecurity.

Gentle physical strengthener. Makes one feel more able to cope with any problems and difficulties.

Helps communication, grounds and insulates.

Small glassy (translucent) green stone believed to be associated with meteorites.

Eases epilepsy, brain imbalances and malfunctions and autism, particularly if brought on by excessive sensitivity.

Assists conscious communication with star-seed sources and is a healing balm for the deep longing - and heartfelt yearning - of many people to "go home".

Moldavite also helps one to understand one's true purpose in life.

A stone for transformation.

Moonstone is an opalescent feldspar. It is claimed to promote long life and happiness and is said to attract friendship and loyalty towards the wearer.

It acts as a mediator between mind and emotions and allows peace of mind and accessibility to one's inner self.

Helps soothe and balance emotion.

In healing terms, it is often used to reduce excess fluid in the body and to reduce the swelling caused by this fluid.

Used in women suffering from pre-menstrual tension.

Gives inspiration, encourages personal attachments. Helps obtain humanitarian love, romance and sensitivity.

This stone strengthens the larynx, lungs, thyroid and nervous system.

A smoky quartz crystal. so dark as to be black instead of the more usual brown. Very good for grounding.

Moss agate is said to cleanse the emotional body and release anger and frustration.

A grounding stone - makes the user face up to responsibility.

Dedicated to change, metamorphosis, purification, fulfillment, inner growth and introspection.

Deflects negative energy.

A variety of agate.

The onyx is reputed to improve concentration and devotion. Perhaps it is for this reason that it is frequently to be found in rosaries.

Helps hearing problems, heart trouble and ulcers.

Helps lung conditions, increases assimilation of protein. Assists the control of one's temper and calms the nerves.

Aids the development of one's psychic ability. Sometimes considered an unlucky stone, perhaps because it causes one's thoughts - good or bad - to rebound upon oneself!

Above all, it is a stone of love, but if the lover be false its influence is reversed, and the opal proves a sorry stone for faithless lovers.

Promotes antibodies and fights infection.

Peridot, as well as being recommended as a cure for insomnia, is said to aid the digestion and placate the nervous system.

Improves bruised eyes.

Can cleanse and heal hurt feelings, helps mend damaged relationships.

Attracts occult powers to the user. Develops inner vision; the stone of the seer.

Counteracts negativity and opens the mind. It acts like a tonic and heals the physical body and can be useful in reducing fever.

Also used in treating emotional states such as anger or jealousy.


Restores physical energy. Helps hip and back problems. Aids past-life recall.

A natural crystalline silica. So many uses and properties that it needs a whole book to itself!

The Quartz Crystal attracts the powers of light and energy and is said to be an excellent powerful general healer and dynamic working tool which works on all levels - strengthening, cleansing and protecting.

Purifies air.

Protects against harmful electrical vibrations.

Assists the wearer to think intuitively. Amplifies and transmits subtle vibrations.

The symbol of elemental wholeness, containing the four elements of creation. Assists development and integration of our entire being.

Assists us to amplify, focus, direct, transmit and store energy.

Its greatest attribute is known to be its use as an aid to opening the psychic centers, enabling the ability to meditate at a deeper level and to free one's mind from the mundane and the trivia.

It releases the higher consciousness and develops mystical and spiritual gifts.

Prevents mental breakdowns, balances physical and emotional traumas. Improves eyesight, kidney, pancreas and spleen. Inspires forgiveness, heals emotional scars, attracts love.

Helps one face reality and new situations. Assists integration of physical, mental and emotional fields.

Restores physical energy (especially following trauma or shock).

Strengthens inner ear and improves sense of hearing. Aids vitamin absorption.

Increases language skills, raises self-esteem. Helps maintain loving state in every-day life by bolstering one's resolve not to give in without one having to be aggressive or non-loving.

Rejuvenates physical beauty. Helps increase self-expression and to speak with greater clarity.

Relieves diarrhea, dizziness, hemorrhage, kidney troubles, spasms, vertigo. Helps ease pain anywhere.

This lovely stone is claimed to be one of the best stones to use in the treatment of migraines and headaches of all types.

Calms emotions, helps suffering due to emotional trauma, heals wounds of neglect giving inner peace.

It is also said to stimulate the imagination and the intellect and to open up the heart to inner peace, self love and self recognition.

It is a very healing stone for internal wounds, bitterness and sorrows.

It promotes forgiveness, love and friendship. It makes one more receptive to beauty, hastens recovery and gladdens the heart. The Venus - or love - stone.

A deep red transparent gemstone, a form of corundum.

As well as aiding intuitive thinking, the ruby is believed to increase levels of energy and divine creativity.

It is often used to alleviate disorders of the blood, such as anemia, poor circulation and menstrual problems.

Also used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.

Improves fever, pain and spasms.

Alleviates worries, lifts spirits, improves one's confidence, intuition, spiritual wisdom, energy and courage.

Encourages self-nurturing in those with a poor self-image.

Rutilated quartz is said to be of particular benefit to those who suffer from respiratory complaints of any form such as asthma, bronchitis etc.

Increases tissue regeneration.

Rebalances different levels of consciousness.

Improves decisiveness, strength of will.

Helps bleeding, insomnia and nervousness.

Stone of friendship and love, attracts good influences.

Gives the wearer devotion, faith, imagination and peace of mind.

Stimulates self-control and protection.

Selenite calms and clears troubled minds and is useful in personal meditation and visualization.

Stabilizes one's emotions, bringing them under calm control.

Natural environmental record keeper. Helps to clarify one's innermost thoughts and to expand one's mental powers.

One of the most powerful healing stones!

Used in past-life recall and in regression therapy. Can be used in any healing treatment but should only be used by a qualified crystal healing therapist who is able to handle and direct the powerful energies properly.

Calms and clears, good to use in high anxiety situations.

Helps after nervous breakdowns, relaxes over tense muscles, also good in childbirth. Neutralizes red energies.

Smokey quartz disperses negative patterns and vibrations, and transmits a high quantity of light.

Good luck talisman. Helps protect soldiers on active service.

Improves abdomen, kidneys, pancreas and the sexual organs. Increases energy fertility. Encourages survival instincts. Stimulates and purifies energy centers.

Grounds and stabilizes energies, helps lift depression. Draws out and absorbs negative energies, replacing them with positive ones.

Strengthens immune system. A softer energy than clear quartz.

Used in meditation.

A stone which gives one serenity and powers of inner contemplation. A peaceful stone!

Sodalite is a good stone for oversensitive and defensive people, improves courage and endurance.

It balances and stills the mind and clears rigid thought patterns.

Helps logical and rational thought, and intellect, widens the perspective.

Blue sodalite is reputed to assist in lowering of blood pressure and balancing the metabolism. Aids sleep.

Attracts help. Makes the wearer strong in character.

Used to help people who suffer from over caution or doubt.

To help those people who are resisting a condition or relationship which they regard as discouraging.

It is claimed that tigers eye will counteract feelings of hypochondria and the onset of psychosomatic illness and will also give a feeling of self-confidence.

It is especially good for clear thinking and helps one to see a problem objectively when confused or emotionally affected. It releases tension and develops will-power.

Good for asthma.

Helps people gain insight into their own faults.

Protects from witchcraft and evil.

Attracts good luck.

TOPAZ (yellow)
A yellowish transparent mineral.

Topaz helps to overcome stress and soothes nerves thereby helping one to achieve a deeper sleep.

It is also good for colds and flu. Strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation, varicose veins, sense of taste.

Good for liver trouble.

Improves the intellect, develops psychic abilities, calms both mind and body.

TOPAZ (blue)
Throat disorders, calming. Inspires leadership ability, psychic insight, spiritual and artistic growth.

Helps with clarity and concentration.

TOURMALINE (general)
Prevents lymphatic disease. Balances, protects, calms, gives self- confidence and cheerfulness.

Useful for meditation.

Attracts inspiration, goodwill and friendship. Protects wearer against misfortune and anaemia. Grounds high-frequency energies into the physicality.

TOURMALINE (black or green)
Strengthens nervous system, regulates blood pressure.

Deflects negative energy, attracts prosperity.

All throat problems, thyroid, speech impediments.

Promotes clear verbal expression, dissolves mental friction, emotional constriction.

Carries a high electrical charge and if rubbed briskly one end becomes positive and one negative, the energy can then be directed wherever peaceful energy is required.

TOURMALINE (watermelon/pink)
Heart balancer. Promotes understanding of self and emotions.

A bluish green precious stone. Turquoise helps the ability to express oneself and verbalize freely. It is good for laryngitis and nervousness in speech.

It is said that turquoise will grow pale on a sickly person and recover its color when returned to a healthy person.

Can strengthen entire anatomy and helps improve all diseases.

Shields the wearer from harmful influences, attracts friendship.

Used in meditation. Also for the development of intuition. Brings one wisdom. It reminds us of both our spiritual nature, our earthly inheritance and its beauty.

Helps balance and gives one stability.

A grounding stone.

Helps with throat problems and communication.

Symbol of rebirth, burns away old ways of looking at things and gives you a new perspective on life.

Helps clear vision at all levels.

General healer. Helps liver complaints, childbirth, insomnia.

Promotes spiritual sight and understanding.

Strengthens the male genitals and the female cervix. Helps to increase fertility.

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Monday, January 26, 2009

The air we breathe

The sealed-air construction of many contemporary office buildings contributes to a variety of health problems. Respiratory illness, throat irritation, headaches and exhaustion are common reactions to stale, dry air. Bacteria and viruses can also develop in air that's passed through cooling towers. These conditions can have a negative impact on workers' performance.

Ozone-free air purifiers and carbon air filters clean the ambient air in enclosed air spaces. Water fountains offer benefits above beautification. They aid in stress relief and relaxation, act as a natural humidifier, and improve air quality by releasing negative ions, with a soothing sound to form a buffer against external noise.

Monday, January 19, 2009


A cluttered workspace hinders productivity, and reflects a poor image to others. Paper is the worst offender.

Eighty per-cent of all paper in a workplace is unnecessary so keep a shredder and recycling receptacle on hand.

Other clutter should be sorted and then neatly stored in bookshelves, cabinets and storage bins.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Indoor plants effectively clean, detoxify and purify the air inside a building, in addition to enhancing it aesthetically. These are the top ten plants most effective for ridding the environment of Formaldehyde, Benzene and Carbon Monoxide:

* Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Seifritzii)
* Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Modestum)
* English Ivy (Hedera Helix)
* Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii)
*Janet Craig (Dracena Deremenisis)
* Marginata (Draceaena Marginata)
* Mass Cane / Corn Plant (Craceaena Massangeana)
* Mother-in-Law's Tongue (
* Pot Mum (Chrysantheium Morifolium)
* Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum "Mauna Loa")
* Warneckii (Dracaena "Warneckii ")

Friday, June 13, 2008

Room Redo Quick Tip: Feng Shui for Romance

Most Feng Shui cures for romance start in the bedroom. While doing my decorating projects, I often learn about people’s private lives. Sometimes, when they are interested in meeting a new partner or perhaps strengthening their current relationships, you can tell they are not completely successful by looking at the bedroom. Feng Shui encourages success in your endeavors so, if you are interested in finding someone new or solidifying a current relationship, consider these tips:

Keep your bedroom neat and organized

Have two nightstands if possible

Display art that reflects happy, positive concepts and romantic notions

De-clutter your dresser and nightstand to remove confusion

Note in the photo that we created a warm and romantic bedroom with a combination of delicious colors like butterscotch, caramel and chocolate. We designed draperies and a valance behind the bed to cover a small and unattractive window. The window treatment is very sumptuous and really makes the bed stand out and look inviting. We continued the softness of the fabrics with a new bedding ensemble including fluffy pillows, shams and a comforter. The room is also well balanced for two people with a pair of nightstands, matching lamps and a pair of palm prints.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

How To Feng Shui Your Home For Abundance

If you're one of the many individuals that read up on different trends, you've probably read or heard about the concept of Feng Shui. Although Feng Shui has been around for centuries, it was kept as somewhat of a secret among the most powerful and wealthy of the Chinese.

It's only become known to the rest of Asian society and the Western civilization in recent years. However, since it's made its way to the United States, it's become very important in many areas of life from helping with home decoration to improve harmony in the home, to CEOs wishing to improve their profitability of their businesses.

Feng Shui was developed on the principle of "chi", which is another word for energy. The Chinese believe that we can use changes in our environment to affect the flow of 'chi' in our lives. Everything around us consists of energy. We affect our surroundings while at the same time our surroundings affect us.

So how do you use Feng Shui to create abundance in your home? There are a couple different methods used in Feng Shui for this purpose.

1. General Feng Shui directions

In our home or office, the direction Southeast is generally related to abundance. You would want to put pictures of landscapes, flowers or plants in this direction of your home or office because the element of this direction is wood. Also, any images you may have that represent abundance may also be placed in this direction of your home or office.

2. Personal Feng Shui directions

In personal Feng Shui, we all have favourable and unfavourable directions based on our personal number, called a Gua number. Depending on your personal number, there is a direction that is related to success. With a Gua number of 8 for example, your personal success direction is South West. In this direction therefore, ensure that the home office is neat and clean and that you face this direction (or one of the other 3 good directions) if possible.

3. Get rid of clutter in your home office

Clutter in your office or home also takes away positive energy. If you have a desk that is overrun with clutter, clean it up. The same applies for the entire home in fact. Start with the rooms you spend the most time in, and go from there. Afterwards, keep your home clean at all times to keep the good flow of chi happening.

4. Flying stars method for good directions

Another method, the flying stars method, is more complex and determines the most favorable areas of your home in a particular year. These good directions change, and means that you may want to spend more time in a particular sector of the home in this year more, and in other rooms, less. You can learn from a Feng Shui course, in order to do this properly.

So there you go. You now know 4 ways you can use Feng Shui to improve the flow of abundance in your home. Take it one step at a time, and see if each step brings you a good feeling and energy into your home, and attract the success and abundance that you want.

To know more read through the archives on this blog page and select what is important to you.

Feng Shui for bedroom - in brief

Many are interested in the art of Feng Shui because they are searching for a way to add energy and vitality to their lives, and want to do this in the most natural way possible. Others are looking for the opposite of energy; they want to feel calm and relaxed in their environment. Whatever your reasons for investigating this ancient art, there are a few simple tricks you can do to create a true Feng Shui bedroom for yourself.

Tip 1, Feng Shui bedroom:

One of the most important things you need to figure out before making any design changes to your bedroom is what type of look and feel are you trying to create. For instance, do you want to feel relaxed and warm when going to bed, and to create a room that helps you to go to sleep immediately, or would you rather create a room that has a sexy feel to it.

As mentioned earlier now that you have decided to redesign your Feng Shui bedroom it is important to think about what type of atmosphere you trying to create. You certainly don’t want to create an atmosphere that is relaxing within a room that is lacking positive energy, and you don’t want to create more energy and vibrancy in a room where you only want to sleep. Hence, you do need to sit back and decide first on what you want.

Tip 2, Feng Shui bedroom:

The next step you want to take when creating a Feng Shui bedroom is to de-clutter the room completely. The bedroom is not an exercise room, it’s not a laundry room, and it’s not an office. Whether you want the room to be peaceful and relaxing or you want some energy in this room, clutter is going to keep you from achieving either one.

You will notice that bedroom photos in decorating magazines do not show any clutter, whatsoever, so why would you want your room to be cluttered.

Tip 3, Feng Shui bedroom:

Colors are very important to Feng Shui practitioners, and using them in the bedroom can create different types of moods. To create relaxation and calmness dark and warm colors are used, and to bring in energy a practitioner will use bold and bright colors.

Depending on the decision you made above about the atmosphere you want to create in your Feng Shui bedroom, you can choose a bold and energetic color such as red or purple to create energy and tension, or warm and soothing colors such as brown and dark green to relax and calm you. However, with either decision, don’t go overboard and make either choice overwhelming. Nothing drains or depresses you faster than feeling overwhelmed by the color of a room the moment you walk into.

For more information search through the archives on this blog page and read what may be of interest to you.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

How much time to see results of Feng Shui cures?

Fact: Consistency wins the Feng Shui game, not how fast you make the recommended shifts. You don’t get more points if you finish the Feng Shui treatment of your home and office first in line. Sorry. This is not a road race. This is about the improvement of your life and world. It takes time to create of life masterpiece.

Feng Shui failure is not measured by the time it takes to complete the recommended cures—even if months pass before certain things you know must be Feng Shui intentionally cured are actually performed. Here is a truth: we can move forward only as quickly as we are emotionally, mentally, and spiritually prepared to proceed. This is valid even for Feng Shui consultants. There are times when it seems almost impossible for me to make an intentional Feng Shui shift—even if I know intellectually that the “cure” needs to be done to improve some aspect of my life. Breathe and be gentle with your process.

It is not easy to change your life. Nor is it always simple to set things in motion that are incredibly powerful, and may quickly or eventually enhance and magnify the glories in your world. Intentional Feng Shui guarantees that “stuck” energy is no longer an issue in your life. And that fact can be scary. Exciting yes. But still scary.

So be gentle with yourself. And proud. You are bettering your home, office, life and world. And keep trudging on. The improvements in your world will still be obvious, even if they come in small packages.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Better kid with Feng Shui

Is your kid not as polite and courteous as you would like? Enough with the usual scolding and even spanking. This time, maybe some simple decorative changes might do the trick.

According to certified Feng Shui masters and practitioners, it is possible to influence behaviour through the art of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is also often referred to as the Chinese art of placement or alignment. With better alignment, residents in a particular space can function better.

Metaphorically speaking, Feng Shui is to a house what acupuncture is to a body. When correctly applied, Feng Shui can be a tool that could correct problem areas, such as ill health, strained relationships or difficulties with children.

With the help of Feng Shui, you will be able to establish your role in the household hierarchy.

Easy-to-do tips

As most parents dream that their children exhibit more respectfulness, obedience and self-control, it might be worthwhile to follow these easy-to-do tips provided:

1 Make the child responsible for the room. Children’s respect for others begins with having respect for themselves and their rooms. Insist that they keep their rooms tidy and neat and their beds made.

2 Clear away excess. Clutter-filled rooms distract a child’s focus, which can undermine obedience. Throw out unnecessary or seldom-used items. Make sure there is nothing stored under the bed.

3 Arrange the bed correctly. Make sure the child can see the door of the bedroom easily. Avoid placing the bed against a shared wall of a bathroom, under a window, or where there is a view of stairs or a bathroom.

4 Create a study area. It’s important that the child is focused on education, a critical factor in creating respect for authority and learning self-discipline. It’s wise to add a lamp and a small globe. Both symbolically impart the importance of education.

5 Make a “Wall of Fame.” Every child needs to feel proud. Assign a wall (preferably the South wall) where the child’s certificates, drawings, awards, trophies and photographs can be displayed.

6 Ground the child. Is the child too overly active to pay attention? Most children like this are in white rooms. White is a “yang,” or energizing, color. Paint the child’s room an earth color such as beige, brown or green.

7 Establish parental presence. A Feng Shui secret for establishing parental influence is to have a picture of the parent(s) in the child’s room—a subtle way to assert your authority.

8 Censor wall hangings. Images of death, violence or ferocious animals have no place in a child’s room and should be removed immediately. A child cannot focus if he is scared—even subconsciously. Make sure that the child’s bed is not reflected in any mirror.

Remember parents that just the simple act of applying time and energy in your child’s room will affirm how important your child is to you, and that may be all it takes to make a happier, more respectful child.

Let Chi come in and create positive opportunities

The most important reason to use your front door, as you said, is because it's the 'mouth of chi'. That's how the good energy enters your space - through the architectural front door. It's also important to use the front door because it's the primary orientation for the energy map of the floor plan of your home.

The ultimate objective of Feng Shui is to create an environment that feels balanced and harmonious and supports your personal goals and desires. The first step in this process is achieving positive chi flow. If you never open the front door, how will you get fresh, energizing chi flow? While most of us use our back doors through the garage, it's important to open the front door at least once a day. Use the front door to get the mail, straighten the 'welcome' mat, walk the dog, water the plants on the front porch, or simply open it and invite me in.

Symbolically you're opening the door to new energy, new opportunities, and new relationships. And it's not necessary to paint your front door red. Having an attractive front door - freshly painted or stained (the color of your choice), clean windows, new hinges - is all Mrs. Ch'i is looking for.

The second reason your front door is important is the Bagua map (energy grid) is placed over the floor plan with orientation based on the location of the front door. Using this tool a practitioner identifies specific areas in your home or office that correlate with nine areas of your life such as career, health, relationships, and abundance. If stuck or unbalanced energy (chi) and environmental inconsistencies are determined, furniture placement, color, and de-cluttering recommendations encourage positive change and results.

When your front door is never or rarely used, it can imitate a 'missing area' where chi flow is so slow it appears to be missing. Having no chi energy in this area of your home is like having no chi energy in this area of your life. Get the energy moving in your life. Open the door, invite me in, and watch opportunity making tracks for your front door.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sleep Well With a Feng Shui Bedroom

Though you may not realize it, a Feng Shui bedroom is probably one of the best ways to bring good things into your life. With so much of your life being spent in the bedroom, you cannot do too much to improve this area of your home. This is the one area of your environment that may affect you more than all others. Your bedroom can influence your emotional, physical as well as psychological wellbeing, so it is extremely important that this room be in balance with the natural energy.

By simply changing some things in this room, you can create a Feng Shui Bedroom and add harmony to your environment. When making your bedroom into a Feng Shui Bedroom, try to keep in mind that this room is meant for only rest, relationships, and self-renewal. Add colors and shapes that promote these things.

If you are thinking of completely remodeling your bedroom, pay careful attention to the new bedroom furniture you select. For the Feng Shui Bedroom you should buy a bed made completely of wood, if possible. Another thing to keep in mind when you make major changes to your bedroom such as furniture and décor is that you should not stick with the same type of stuff you have always used. Try a change to see if it enhances the bedroom environment.

When metal is used in a bed, it has the ability to conduct electricity, which is very bad for your health. In addition, try not to have anything electrical next to your bed. Don't sleep with electric blankets, heating pads, etc.

Lighting is also a very important part of the Feng Shui Bedroom. Your bedroom should have lighting that is not too bright or too dim. Comfortable lighting is the key to a great bedroom. Do not place your bed inline with the doorway. This has a tendency to disrupt the energy that helps you rest and renew. Also, try to avoid keep any type of sharp object in your bedroom. Large plants and mirrors also disrupt the flow of energy and may cause sleeping problems. If you find that you have been having trouble sleeping well, this could be the cause. Remove these things from your bedroom.

With a Feng Shui Bedroom you can create an environment that is beneficial to your health, success and happiness.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feng Shui for Love and Sex - Feng Shui love Check Up of Your Space

You have to have it very clear on an energy level before you actually see it happening in your life.

From the Feng Shui basics like the ones described above you will move into a bit more advanced levels of Feng Shui, such as:

Be sure your space is Feng Shui-ready and open for a strong flow of love; it is comfortable and reflects the beauty of the love relationship you want to be in.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Light in Feng Shui

Feng Shui is all about energy, and light is the strongest manifestation of it. Your body reacts to everything around you, and you either get nourished or drained by the energy that surrounds you.

Light is our # 1 nutrient and has been called the medicine of the future. How much light do you actually get, what colours are you surrounding yourself with (we know from physics that color is light) how many indoor light sources do you have in your space?

As we go through a change of season and tend to spend more time indoors, this is the best time to answer these questions.

From the moment we open our eyes till the time we go to sleep we continuously experience light. We breathe deeper when looking at the clear blue sky, we stop at red lights and proceed at green, we inquire if our friend is OK when there is no "light in her eyes." We look for light, we want to feel light, we cook light, we've heard people go into the light when they die... What is light, anyway?

Solar light is considered # 1 nutrient for the human body.

Light is measured in lux and here is some food for thought: while outdoors, our bodies receive about 100,000 lux versus only 600 lux in an indoor environment.

Sounds like your body is literally starving if you haven't been spending much quality time out in nature!

When in a frenzy of what to buy for your loved ones, give them (and yourself!) the gift of light - invest in full-spectrum lighting for the sake of your health. Look for a full spectrum supplier in your area, or order some on-line. When it comes to best gifts , nothing comes close to the gift of vibrant health!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Empowering the bed

Fact: There should be two night stands—one on each side of the empowered bed. In Feng Shui, you prepare “as if” it has already happened. In other words, you do not wait for the live-in mate before you set up a bed large enough, with easy access for both parties to get into the bed, as well as having a nightstand, preferably with a lamp, on either side. You make symbolic room for this love goal to occur with bedroom Feng Shui protocol.

Amazingly, Feng Shui bedroom protocol is the problem-solver for any and all love issues—whether you desire a partner or wish to improve the relationship you already have. If you currently desire a relationship—imagine how you would prepare your bedroom with “couple mentality”. Watch and see how much you would need to change it from the way it is arranged now. The same recommendation is given for the person who wishes to improve the relationship patterns already present. Relax and breathe…education is here for each situation to better your world!

Action Plan:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Symbolic Feng Shui for you

It is about spaces and people. It is about ‘using’ and ‘utilising’ spaces with relation to people. It encompasses what major object we place where. All this tags along with the ‘timing’ aspect. The placement of the right object at the right place at the right time in relation with the person / people concerned.

In the previous issue we touched upon what is Feng Shui and how does it work on you. Without doing anything there is Feng Shui all around us – just like gravity.

Watch what you say or do:

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

A symbol evokes response only in a relation to other symbols. Thus the "same" symbol in different contexts can elicit essentially different responses, or to put it in another way, a given symbol cannot be properly defined outside of a context.

All objects resonate to a particular vibration depending on their dimensions; this can bring good luck and benevolence or misfortune and ill health. The energies that most strongly effect you are that of objects which are important to you or that you spend a great deal of time immersed in e.g., your desk, bed, office/arm chair.

Feng Shui symbols:

Symbolic Feng Shui works, is because of the energy specific symbols bring into your environment, as well as because of their connection with the subconscious level of your mind. The stronger your connection with these symbols, i.e. the more you like them, the more powerful they become for you. Symbols have a connection with the subconscious level of your mind. The stronger your connection with these symbols, the more your energies work.

Feng Shui application.

Feng Shui application can be done with the help of Feng Shui charms and amulets. You can use crystals. You can use colors. They are known as Feng Shui cures and enhancers.

Your Feng Shui cures do not have to be big, or centre of attraction. It need not be an expensive object. It can be simple and well placed in your home, office, work desk etc.

You can have your Feng Shui cures in smaller size and "on-the-go" to constantly work on your personal energy, as well as surround you with a subtle aura of protection.

It could be a ring, a pendant, a bracelet, a mobile hanging etc. it could be a decoration at home or in the office space. It can be a table top or a wall hanging.

It can be a color on the wall or desk. It could be a particular shade of a color that your personal energy responds to.

You can use these for a variety of purposes. Like for instance to strengthen your health, family harmony, to attract a better love relationship. To improve on opportunities for job or wealth creation.

When exploring the richness of the Feng Shui symbols, do not negate a Feng Shui cure just because it looks unusual or too exotic. You can have it hidden, as cures do not have to be in plain view, or you can find a similar Feng Shui cure from your own culture that would carry the same Feng Shui energy of good luck and protection.

Not 100%.

This does not mean that if we have a money frog for example which indicates wealth symbolically in Feng Shui we do need to work any more. It certainly does not mean that wealth will accumulate on its own. No, in no way does it mean that we don’t do anything and await a ‘magical’ response.

What Feng Shui helps with is in ‘creating better opportunities’. This simply means that better opportunities will throw up. And we will be in the state to avail of these better opportunities.

Feng Shui Symbols

Mystic knot: Mystic knot is sometimes referred to as the endless knot, because it looks like the tail end is not in existence. It is one of the most often used symbols in Feng Shui.

According to the Buddhism philosophy, this knot is one of the 8 magical auspicious objects. Symbolically implying that there is no beginning and no ending, reflecting Buddhist philosophy of endless rounds of birth and rebirth.

Grounding and protecting, you can wear it when your personal energy is in need of focus, stability and clarity.

Crystals: The word crystal comes from the Greek word krystallos, meaning "frozen light". In its truest sense crystals are actually ‘frozen in time’

Crystals have been used over the centuries for a myriad of purposes - from healing to protection to decoration. The knowledge of crystals has been used in ancient Atlantis, in South America, Egypt, Tibet, India and many other cultures around the globe. Early works on astrology, written in Sanskrit and dating back to 400 BC make elaborate observations on the origin and power of stones.

When we look at science and the advancement of technology, ruby crystals, natural and man-made, are used in lasers for microscopic surgery. Quartz crystals are used in ultrasound devices, watches, as well as memory chips in computers, etc.

Color: Color is one of the easiest ways to shift the energy in your space with Feng Shui.

Each color is an expression of one of the Five Feng Shui Elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. The elements are used in specific areas according to the Feng Shui energy map of your space, or Bagua.

Mirrors: The mirror brings the energy same as of water. They are used to expand a space, as well as to draw the beneficial Chi in. Mirrors have been called the aspirin of Feng Shui; with proper placement, they can dramatically shift the flow of energy in any given space. They also bring a sense of refreshment and calm. Generally, there are three categories of mirrors in Feng Shui:

Typical mirrors defined by shape and frame materials (oval, round, square, etc.) For example, a round shape mirror in a gold leaf frame can be a beautiful Abundance cure and work well in the Southeast area of your space.

Concave mirrors. These mirrors are mostly used outside and produce an upside-down, condensed reflection.

Convex mirrors have protective qualities, serving as a watchful eye. Mostly used outside, although can be used inside, too, especially if nicely framed.

The Bagua Mirror: Also known as Pa-Kua Mirror or PaKua Mirror. The Ba-Gua mirror is a powerful Feng Shui cure. You will need it only if there is dangerous, sharp, or attacking energy, (called Sha Chi), coming towards your house or business. The Ba-Gua mirror is not a decor element and should not be used as such. It comes in both concave and convex form, surrounded by a wooden ba-gua in either red, green and gold color design or yellow, black and red. Never place this, ba-gua, mirror from your living room; this mirror should never be placed inside a home.

Lucky Bamboo: Making the best use of this:

· Wood - the Bamboo itself

· Earth - the Rocks the plant grows in

· Water - the Water the plant grows with

· Fire - most pots usually have a red ribbon tied to them

· Metal - the glass pots belong to the metal element. If Bamboo is planted in a pot other than glass (i.e. clay or ceramics) it will usually have either a metal coin, or a metal figurine with it.

The number of stalks have an implication:

· 3 for Happiness

· 5 for Health

· 2 for Love & Marriage

· 8 for Wealth and Abundance

· 9 is considered a lucky number and is an overall good number for Good Fortune and Happiness.

Given below are few symbols of Feng Shui to enhance your luck:

Relationship, Love & Marriage Feng Shui Symbols

The Double Happiness Sign

Two Mandarin Ducks

Dragon and Phoenix

Peony Flowers

Wealth Feng Shui Symbols

The Three Legged Toad

Gold Koi or the Arrowana Fish

Chinese Coins

Sailing Ship

Golden Ingots

Good Fortune Feng Shui Symbols

Chi Lin, the Dragon Horse

The Red Bat

Golden Cicada

Health & Longevity Feng Shui Symbols

Lucky Bamboo

Sau, the God of Longevity

Wu-Lou, Gourd

Use some of the Feng Shui symbols in your home or office and see your prosperity and good fortune graph increase.

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