Wednesday, August 29, 2007
To calculate your Kua [Gua] Number manually use the below calculation
To calculate your Gua number we use the Chinese lunar calendar. (For those born before the 6th or 7th February you must go back a year i.e. if you were born on the 6th February, 1959 you would calculate your Gua number using the year 1958. For females to calculate their Gua number, add the last two digits of the year of your birth and then add 5 this is your Gua number.
If your date of birth is 10 June 1960
Add the last two digits of your date of birth together (6+0=6) then add this to 5 (6+5=11) to arrive at a single number add the 11 together (1+1=2) Your Gua number is 2
For males to calculate their Gua number, add the last two digits of the year of your birth and then subtract it from 10 this is your Gua number.
If your date of birth is 10 June 1960
Add the last two digits of your date of birth together. (6+0=6) then subtract from 10 (10-6=4) Your Gua number is 4
If your date of birth is 10 June 1960
Add the last two digits of your date of birth together (6+0=6) then add this to 5 (6+5=11) to arrive at a single number add the 11 together (1+1=2) Your Gua number is 2
For males to calculate their Gua number, add the last two digits of the year of your birth and then subtract it from 10 this is your Gua number.
If your date of birth is 10 June 1960
Add the last two digits of your date of birth together. (6+0=6) then subtract from 10 (10-6=4) Your Gua number is 4
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