Thursday, October 22, 2009

Feng Shui Key to Success - Going With the Natural Flow

We're all familiar with the typical feng shui buzz nowadays: wealth corner here, relationship corner there, water fountain, crystals, north, south, east, etc. But there is a much more natural level of Feng Shui energy flow that meanders through our environments, and the more in tune with it we get, the more easily things will open up and successfully flow in all areas of our lives.

Our homes are truly a mirror reflection of what is going on in our lives and the way you interact with your space is also an indication of how the rest of the world is interacting with you. Literally translated Feng Shui means "wind" and "water" and a good place to start assessing the energy is imagining these two aspects of Mother Earth flowing through your home — so ask yourself how do they flow?

Let's take a look at how you and your things are affecting that flow of energy. Literally, how do you flow, or rather walk through and utilize your space on a daily basis? Finding balance in the personal flow of actions through your home is just as essential a part of creating good Feng Shui energy as what to put in what corner where. I'm talking about the really simple things that together add up and create blocks of energy flow, and in turn, blocks in the movement of your life.

For example, when you wake-up in the morning and reach for your bathrobe, where is it - a natural, easy place close by? You go downstairs to make your morning coffee, where are the mugs and coffee beans - right next to the coffee maker or the other side of the kitchen? From another angle, where do you naturally throw down the mail when you walk through your door each day? Surely we all have that place we intend it to go, but don't we all have that "natural" place that things just somehow wind up and flow to? In a case like that, it's good to honor that area and get a nice basket or container if that's where it naturally ends up.

Sure, overall it's nice to have things all neat and put away, but you have to find balance between what looks good and what is creating natural and unnatural flow in your everyday life. I know we all desire to live in a pristine, everything-put-away, model home atmosphere these days. However, no one really actually has a life in a space like that, it's an energy of emptiness in some ways at that point.

So take some time to assess and become conscious of how much extra unnecessary flow exists in your everyday routines. Notice all the little ways you are constantly swimming upstream against the current of your life. When you can find the balance and go with the natural flow of the physical structure, it is then that you can achieve an important aspect of Feng Shui and open up to easier flow of successes in your life.

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