Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Symbolic Feng Shui for you

It is about spaces and people. It is about ‘using’ and ‘utilising’ spaces with relation to people. It encompasses what major object we place where. All this tags along with the ‘timing’ aspect. The placement of the right object at the right place at the right time in relation with the person / people concerned.

In the previous issue we touched upon what is Feng Shui and how does it work on you. Without doing anything there is Feng Shui all around us – just like gravity.

Watch what you say or do:

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

A symbol evokes response only in a relation to other symbols. Thus the "same" symbol in different contexts can elicit essentially different responses, or to put it in another way, a given symbol cannot be properly defined outside of a context.

All objects resonate to a particular vibration depending on their dimensions; this can bring good luck and benevolence or misfortune and ill health. The energies that most strongly effect you are that of objects which are important to you or that you spend a great deal of time immersed in e.g., your desk, bed, office/arm chair.

Feng Shui symbols:

Symbolic Feng Shui works, is because of the energy specific symbols bring into your environment, as well as because of their connection with the subconscious level of your mind. The stronger your connection with these symbols, i.e. the more you like them, the more powerful they become for you. Symbols have a connection with the subconscious level of your mind. The stronger your connection with these symbols, the more your energies work.

Feng Shui application.

Feng Shui application can be done with the help of Feng Shui charms and amulets. You can use crystals. You can use colors. They are known as Feng Shui cures and enhancers.

Your Feng Shui cures do not have to be big, or centre of attraction. It need not be an expensive object. It can be simple and well placed in your home, office, work desk etc.

You can have your Feng Shui cures in smaller size and "on-the-go" to constantly work on your personal energy, as well as surround you with a subtle aura of protection.

It could be a ring, a pendant, a bracelet, a mobile hanging etc. it could be a decoration at home or in the office space. It can be a table top or a wall hanging.

It can be a color on the wall or desk. It could be a particular shade of a color that your personal energy responds to.

You can use these for a variety of purposes. Like for instance to strengthen your health, family harmony, to attract a better love relationship. To improve on opportunities for job or wealth creation.

When exploring the richness of the Feng Shui symbols, do not negate a Feng Shui cure just because it looks unusual or too exotic. You can have it hidden, as cures do not have to be in plain view, or you can find a similar Feng Shui cure from your own culture that would carry the same Feng Shui energy of good luck and protection.

Not 100%.

This does not mean that if we have a money frog for example which indicates wealth symbolically in Feng Shui we do need to work any more. It certainly does not mean that wealth will accumulate on its own. No, in no way does it mean that we don’t do anything and await a ‘magical’ response.

What Feng Shui helps with is in ‘creating better opportunities’. This simply means that better opportunities will throw up. And we will be in the state to avail of these better opportunities.

Feng Shui Symbols

Mystic knot: Mystic knot is sometimes referred to as the endless knot, because it looks like the tail end is not in existence. It is one of the most often used symbols in Feng Shui.

According to the Buddhism philosophy, this knot is one of the 8 magical auspicious objects. Symbolically implying that there is no beginning and no ending, reflecting Buddhist philosophy of endless rounds of birth and rebirth.

Grounding and protecting, you can wear it when your personal energy is in need of focus, stability and clarity.

Crystals: The word crystal comes from the Greek word krystallos, meaning "frozen light". In its truest sense crystals are actually ‘frozen in time’

Crystals have been used over the centuries for a myriad of purposes - from healing to protection to decoration. The knowledge of crystals has been used in ancient Atlantis, in South America, Egypt, Tibet, India and many other cultures around the globe. Early works on astrology, written in Sanskrit and dating back to 400 BC make elaborate observations on the origin and power of stones.

When we look at science and the advancement of technology, ruby crystals, natural and man-made, are used in lasers for microscopic surgery. Quartz crystals are used in ultrasound devices, watches, as well as memory chips in computers, etc.

Color: Color is one of the easiest ways to shift the energy in your space with Feng Shui.

Each color is an expression of one of the Five Feng Shui Elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. The elements are used in specific areas according to the Feng Shui energy map of your space, or Bagua.

Mirrors: The mirror brings the energy same as of water. They are used to expand a space, as well as to draw the beneficial Chi in. Mirrors have been called the aspirin of Feng Shui; with proper placement, they can dramatically shift the flow of energy in any given space. They also bring a sense of refreshment and calm. Generally, there are three categories of mirrors in Feng Shui:

Typical mirrors defined by shape and frame materials (oval, round, square, etc.) For example, a round shape mirror in a gold leaf frame can be a beautiful Abundance cure and work well in the Southeast area of your space.

Concave mirrors. These mirrors are mostly used outside and produce an upside-down, condensed reflection.

Convex mirrors have protective qualities, serving as a watchful eye. Mostly used outside, although can be used inside, too, especially if nicely framed.

The Bagua Mirror: Also known as Pa-Kua Mirror or PaKua Mirror. The Ba-Gua mirror is a powerful Feng Shui cure. You will need it only if there is dangerous, sharp, or attacking energy, (called Sha Chi), coming towards your house or business. The Ba-Gua mirror is not a decor element and should not be used as such. It comes in both concave and convex form, surrounded by a wooden ba-gua in either red, green and gold color design or yellow, black and red. Never place this, ba-gua, mirror from your living room; this mirror should never be placed inside a home.

Lucky Bamboo: Making the best use of this:

· Wood - the Bamboo itself

· Earth - the Rocks the plant grows in

· Water - the Water the plant grows with

· Fire - most pots usually have a red ribbon tied to them

· Metal - the glass pots belong to the metal element. If Bamboo is planted in a pot other than glass (i.e. clay or ceramics) it will usually have either a metal coin, or a metal figurine with it.

The number of stalks have an implication:

· 3 for Happiness

· 5 for Health

· 2 for Love & Marriage

· 8 for Wealth and Abundance

· 9 is considered a lucky number and is an overall good number for Good Fortune and Happiness.

Given below are few symbols of Feng Shui to enhance your luck:

Relationship, Love & Marriage Feng Shui Symbols

The Double Happiness Sign

Two Mandarin Ducks

Dragon and Phoenix

Peony Flowers

Wealth Feng Shui Symbols

The Three Legged Toad

Gold Koi or the Arrowana Fish

Chinese Coins

Sailing Ship

Golden Ingots

Good Fortune Feng Shui Symbols

Chi Lin, the Dragon Horse

The Red Bat

Golden Cicada

Health & Longevity Feng Shui Symbols

Lucky Bamboo

Sau, the God of Longevity

Wu-Lou, Gourd

Use some of the Feng Shui symbols in your home or office and see your prosperity and good fortune graph increase.

Wow, I never knew that Feng Shui crystal guide. That’s pretty interesting
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